School Policy

General School Policies 

Academic Policies 

Trinity International School places a strong emphasis on providing individualized and superior quality education for its students to achieve their academic goals. All our credit courses are based on the Ontario Secondary School curriculum. Students will be able to gain high school credits towards Ontario High School Diploma by completing their courses part time or full time basis. 

Admission Information 

When you make a decision to enroll your child in our programs, we persuade you to meet up with the principal in order to create an individualized education plan for your child. At your meeting with the principal, we try to identify your child’s learning style and academic strengths and develop the best strategy for your child to gain educational goals. Students are advised to bring the completed application form and a copy of the most recent transcript. 

For Grade 9 Local students & Grade 9-12 International students, Trinity International School requires student to attend an academic assessment, which measures skills of student in math, English reading, writing and comprehension. 

Admission of Grade 10, 11 and 12 Local students are done upon submission of previous academic official transcript. 

Trinity International School will inform students about prerequisite requirements of courses, and it is student’s responsibility to make sure that you meet prerequisite requirements for courses. Trinity International School will only record course changes when you have initiated the process by following the drop and add procedures. Registration needs to complete the “Registration Form” accurately at the required times, having them approved by the Principal, and paying the required Tuition fee. By applying for admission to Trinity International School, student accept the right of the Principal to collect pertinent personal information. This information is used for the purposes of admission, registration and to assist the Institute in the academic and financial administration of its affairs. You agree that all documentation that you submit to the school in support of your application for admission becomes the property of School. 

Change of Course Policy 

In-Class Change Course/Refund Policy 

For add/remove, deadlines, consult the admission officer. Changing any course should be made on a “Course Change Form” and submitted to the office for approval. The students can change a registered course after the Second Class, the school will allow only one change per semester to change any course with full payment transfer to the other course requested. The student must make-up the hours for the missed classes of the new course, an additional payment will be required to make up the classes. 

Online Change Course/Refund Policy 

For add/remove, deadlines, consult the admission officer. Changing any course should be made on a “Course Change Form” and submitted to the office for approval. The students have 24 hours from the date of sending the welcome package by email to the student to change any course with full payment transfer to the other course requested. No change or refund is allowed after the 24 hours. 

Drop/Withdrawal Courses Policy 

For add/drop, withdrawal deadlines, consult the Academic Calendar or check your admission officer. Drop & Withdrawal should be made on a course drop/ withdrawal form and submitted to the office for approval. 

If a student Drops/Withdraws from a Grade 11 or 12 course within five instructional days following the issue of the first report card (Midterm Report Card), the withdrawal is not recorded on the OST. If a student withdraws from a course after five instructional days following the issue of the first report card, the withdrawal is recorded on the OST by entering a “W” in the “Credit” column. The student’s percentage grade at the time of the withdrawal is recorded in the “Percentage Grade” column. 

Notes & withdrawal Refund policy: 

1- Parent/Guardian permission (where necessary) and approval of the principal will be required in requests for Drop/Withdrawal from a course. 

2- School may Drop/Withdraw the student at any time for poor attendance and after they have been communicated with the student and parents/guardians with no success to resolve the attendance issue. No refund will be available in such situation. 

In-class Refund policy for withdrawal: 

3- If you drop the courses prior to starting the first class, full refund less the non-refunded Administration fee will be refunded. 

4- If you drop the course before the beginning of the third class, 80 percent of the fees are refunded; thereafter, no refunds will be given. 

Online Refund policy for withdrawal: 

5- The students have 24 hours from the date of sending the “Welcome Package” by email to the student to withdraw from the course with full refund less non-refundable administration fee. No refund is given after the 24 hours. 

Course Cancellation Policy 

Please refer to all tuition fees at school for Local & International Students as follows 

Fees are due upon registration. Refunds are given as follows: 

Online Tuition Refund policy for Cancellation 

For Local & International Students For registrations of one course or more or full year registration the tuition is refunded less non-refundable Administration fees if cancelation request received in writing within the first 24 hours after sending the “WELCOME PACKAGE” by email to the student which gives the student the access information to the online course materials. 

In-class Tuition Refund policy for Cancellation 

For Local & International Students 

1- If the school receive your written request for cancelation of the course(s) prior to start of the first class, full refund less the non-refundable Administration fee will be refunded. 

2- If the school receive your written request for cancelation of the course(s) prior to the beginning of the third class, 80 percent of the fees are refunded; thereafter, no refunds will be given. 

Tuition will NOT be refunded under the following circumstances: 

International Student for In-class or online registrations 

  • If the student has obtained or extended their student visa/Study Permit using the documents issued by TIS (Trinity International School); 
  • If the student registration was for online study and got rejected by immigration Canada 
  • If the student is found in in violation of school regulations, rules & policies and asked to be withdraw from the school. 
  • If false information was given and conditions were not disclosed 

Local Student for In-class or online registrations 

  • • If the student is found in violation of school regulations, rules and policies and asked to be withdraw from the school. 
  • • If false information was given and conditions were not disclosed 

Tuition will be Refunded for Cancellation Requests on the following Circumstances ONLY 

For International Students who applied for Study Permit to study in-class and got rejected by immigration Canada, a full refund less the non-refundable administration fees will be refunded on receiving of the following: 

1-Copy of the Letter of Rejection from Citizenship and Immigration Canada 

2-Copy of Trinity International School Official Letter of Acceptance -LOA 

3-A written refund request by the parent with signature including the name and address of the cheque or transfer recipient. 


In the event that the student’s immigration status changes during the school year, the student (18 or above) or student’s parents/guardians (if under 18 years old) is to contact the school Admissions Office immediately.

Test/Final Exam Policy 

Test Policy 

Grade 11 and 12 students will write no more than two tests per day. Tests should not regularly exceed 60minutes. The student must arrive on time for tests and quizzes. All instructions and corrections will be made at the beginning of the test/quiz period and will not be repeated. If you missed a test/quiz due to a plausible reason (in the judgment of the instructor) or if you have a documented reason for missing a test, you can rewrite the test/quiz at the date arranged with the instructor. Otherwise, A student who misses a test without any prior permission from the Principal will receive a mark of zero. The student in question may appeal the instructor’s decision to the principal within 10 business days after the original test/quiz date. 

If a student knows he/she will be absent for a test, he is required to notify the teacher in advance and, if possible, write the test before the rest of the 

class. If a student missed a test because of a medical reason, then the test will be written before the next scheduled period for which he/she is present. In such case, the student must submit a written request for a retake of the test to the Principal and at the same time produce a certificate issued by a licensed surgeon or physician to substantiate the medical reason for the absence. Other forms of assessment in practice at School include presentations, individual projects, term papers, problem solving reports, lab reports, team projects, independent learning assignments, rich performance tasks, colloquiums, etc. You can find information about the weight of the assessments in the syllabus you receive at the first class of the course. 

Final Exam Policy 

  • Students need to arrange their final exam 7 days in advance. All coursework should be completed and submitted before writing the final exam. 
  • Important Note: please be advised that once the exam is written, any outstanding coursework not submitted will receive a grade of zero. 
  • If you cannot write your final exam on the scheduled date/time, please contact your teacher and/or school to inform them & reschedule your final exam at least 24 hours ahead. 
  • If you missed your final exam without informing the school authorities or your teacher with a valid reason to reschedule, you will receive a grade of zero. 
  • If you missed your final exam without informing the school due to an emergency, you must submit a request to the principal with an acceptable document to prove the emergency that prevented you from contacting the school to reschedule the final exam. Upon approval by the principal, you may be given a chance to write your final exam. 
  • The exam will be two hours in duration. 

Retaking of Failed Subjects Policy 

Students can retake subjects they have failed up to three times. Each time the subject retake fee will be charged as specified in the tuition and refund policies. 

  • 1. Students are expected to attend all timetable class 

Student Attendance Policy 

In-Class Attendance Policy 

Regular attendance at school is critical for all students’ learning and achievement of course expectations. Students are expected to report to all classes on time. TRINITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 

  1. Students are expected to attend all timetable class
  2. Attendance at any examination is compulsory 
  3. Teachers are responsible to give students the detailed timetable (showing all exam days, deadlines for projects and assignments, and…) 
  4. Students are advised and required to bring documentary evidence for all significant absences. 
  5.  It is the student responsibility to submit documentary evidence for significant absence. It is the responsibility of the student to keep all original documentation and submit it to the school’s office. 
      1. 6. Suitable types of evidence. i. Medical evidence from a doctor 
      2. ii. A note from a police officer 
      3. iii. A note from a hospital 
      4. iv. Parent to provide a letter of Explanation for “Emergency Situation”. 

Online Attendance Policy 

Our Online school runs asynchronous and, therefore, students are free to log-in and work on their course material at their own pace. Courses are designed to take 110 hours to complete and all course assignments, including the Final Exam must be completed within 3 months from the start of the enrolment. 

Regular attendance at school is critical for the student’s learning and achievement of course expectations. Where, in the principal’s judgment, a student’s frequent absences from school are jeopardizing his or her successful completion of a course, school staff will arrange to meet with the student and the parents to explain the potential consequences of the absences, including failure to gain credits, and discuss steps that could be taken to improve attendance. A meeting or online conference, with all stakeholder, will be scheduled as soon as possible to ascertain the cause of the absence of the course. 

Students are expected to log in at least 3 times each week, not including scheduled holidays, for the entire duration of their course. If a student fails to login to their course three times in a single week, then an absence will be recorded on their report card. 

Consequences for poor attendance 

If a student fails to attend their course and does not participate in the planned online or in-class activities then the student, and the parent(s) of the student, who is under 18 years of age, will be contacted by the school principal. A meeting or online conference, with all stakeholder, will be scheduled as soon as possible to ascertain the cause of the absence of the course. TRINITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 

If the student continues to be absent or has irregular/poor attendance record, The school may drop the student from the course(s) with no REFUND, and the student may register at a later date. 

Plagiarism/ Academic Ethics Policy 

Academic dishonesty (plagiarism, cheating, copying other work) is a serious offense and must have significant consequences. Students must understand that the student work that they complete and submit for evaluation must be their own work and that cheating, and plagiarism will not be condoned. 

Consequences for Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism 

Consequences of academic dishonesty may include a reduction of marks up to 100% depending on the severity of the offense. 

We respect the professionalism of our teachers and expect them to make decisions that will help students understand their mistakes and motivate them to do better in school. 

Students’ understanding of the concept of academic dishonesty depends on their age and stage of development. Using the work or ideas of another writer as though they were your own is plagiarism. Students must understand the concept of plagiarism and why it is wrong to plagiarize. When working on assignments, students’ progress skills should be monitored and directed along the way to ensure the appropriate use of reference materials and citation. 

Student Responsibility 

It is the student’s responsibility to be honest in all aspects of academic work, to be familiar with the Trinity International School Code of Academic Honesty, and to conform to all practices and guidelines for academic honesty provided by the school. 

Homework and Assignments Policy 

Homework is to be completed by the student himself/herself. It should never be completed or copied in whole or in part from another person, student or source. While it may be permissible to discuss homework assignments with other students, such discussion is a preliminary stage only, which must be followed carefully at all times by individual effort, research, and answering. Homework must be completed by the student him/herself independently. TRINITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 

Assignments prepared out of class, including essays, term papers, thesis, lab reports, written responses, creative work, homework, and take-home tests or components of tests, must be completed by the student and be the student’s own work; they should never be in part or in whole copied from another person, student, or any other source. The student should never present the words, research, or ideas of another person, student, or source without proper acknowledgement. The student is expected to follow the instructions for preparing and submitting the assignment and adhere to the practices for academic honesty outlined in the school. 


Essays must be completed by the student and be the student’s own work. It should never be in part or in whole copied from another person, student or source, and should never be presenting the words, research or ideas of another person or source without proper acknowledgement. The student is expected to follow carefully instructions for preparing and submitting the essay, and to adhere to the practices of academic honesty outlined in the school. 

Thesis/Art Design Portfolio 

Thesis/Art Design Portfolios must be completed by the student and be the student’s own creative work. They should never be in part or in whole copied from another person, student or source, and should never be presenting the words, research or ideas of another person or source without proper acknowledgement. The student is expected to follow carefully instructions for preparing and submitting the thesis/art design portfolio, and to adhere to the practices of academic honesty outlined in the school. 

Class Presentations and Seminars 

Any work the student has prepared out of class for presentation in class is presumed to be entirely his own, unless he has made proper acknowledgement of help from another person, student, or source. 

Late and Missed Assignments Policy 

Late, missed and/or incomplete assignments do impact the students’ grade depending on the number of missed assignments, significance of the assignment, and whether the same expectations are re-assigned later. Each individual situation will require different decisions and teacher’s professional judgment. TRINITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 

  • If a student is absent at the time of an evaluation, it will be considered as incomplete and will be treated as a missed or late evaluation. In the case of late or missing evaluations, an “incomplete” will be reported until such time as the teacher determines that the final due date has passed, and the expectation cannot be met. At that point, generally at the end of the course, the mark for the missed evaluation becomes a 0. 
  • It is the responsibility of the student to clarify and explain to the teacher the reasons for late and missed demonstrations of achievement and undertake Actions prescribed by the teacher to provide alternative demonstrations of achievement. 
  • It is the responsibility of the teacher to assist students with poor Learning skills such as poor time management and organizational skills in the prevention of late and missed assignments, including communication with students and parents on appropriate strategies. 
  • If a student has missed one or more evaluations, the teacher will review the student’s progress and consider: whether the student has demonstrated achievement of the learning expectations on the missed evaluations through other evaluations deemed appropriate by the teacher; the student’s most consistent level of achievement on the completed evaluations with particular emphasis on those which are more recent; the student’s motive or reason for the missed evaluations. 
  • If, in the teacher’s professional judgment, the student has demonstrated achievement of the missed expectations through other assessments; the teacher will determine that sufficient evidence has been provided to make a valid evaluation of student achievement. The teacher will determine the student’s level of achievement based on this evidence. 
  • If, in the teacher’s professional judgment, the student has not demonstrated achievement of the missed expectations through other evaluations and/or the student’s motive or reason for the missed evaluations is unsatisfactory, the teacher will determine that insufficient evidence of achievement has been provided to make a valid evaluation of student performance. The teacher will consider the student’s most consistent overall level of achievement on completed evaluations and will use professional judgment to adjust the level and corresponding percentage to reflect the lack of demonstrable evidence of achievement. 


ing Policies 

Students will be provided with numerous and varied opportunities to demonstrate the full extent of their achievement of the curriculum expectations, across all four categories of knowledge and skills. Progress will be monitored on an on-going basis using a variety of assessment tools, including written work, formal testing, weekly quizzes, teacher-student communication, discussion boards, and chat rooms. TRINITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 

Classroom Expectations 

– Classroom Conduct: 

As a classroom community, all members are expected to be respectful of each other. This includes respecting classroom materials, other students’ possessions, and always using appropriate language. 

– Participating in online courses 

Participating in online courses is a privilege. You are expected to behave in an appropriate manner while logged into your virtual campus. Any inappropriate use of language, use of the site facilities for purposes other than course related activities, or malicious actions taken against others through these facilities are not permitted. These violations will be dealt with in a severe manner and may result in suspension or expulsion from online learning. Please remember, your actions within the site can and will be monitored. Any communications on the Internet, whether through email, private chat room, or other methods are not private. Be aware that anything you communicate may be viewed by others. If you don’t want it known, do not type it into your computer. 

– Homework Policy: 

Homework is expected to be completed whenever it is assigned. Success in this course is dependent on keeping up with homework and timely completion of assignments. 

– Plagiarism Explanation & Policy: 

It is expected that all students will complete their own work, in their own words. It is commonly believed that plagiarism is only copying and pasting information from the internet, but it includes all the following: 

  • • Copying another student’s work (homework, lab reports, papers) 
  • • Taking information from the internet or another source without citing it 
  • • Taking credit for anyone else’s work 
  • • Partners may have similar work, but they should not be identical 

In the case of plagiarism, a zero (0) may be awarded, home and administration will be contacted. So don’t do it!! If you are not sure how to properly cite sources, let me know! 

Final Exam Policy 

Students need to arrange their final exam 10 days in advance. All coursework should be completed and submitted before writing the final exam, please be advised that once the exam is written, any outstanding coursework not submitted to your teacher, will be given a grade of zero. The exam will be two hours. If you missed your final exam without informing the school authorities or your teacher before the date/time of the scheduled final exam, and without giving a written or verbal note to reschedule, you will be considered absent and a mark of zero will be given towards your final exam total mark. TRINITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 


General Expectations 

A healthy learning environment can only be created with the willing co-operation of teachers, students, parents and guests. At The Trinity International School, all members of our community honor the worth of each individual member. The basis of our community is truth and respect. 

All members of the community are expected to respect the property of others and of the school itself, and to make appropriate reparation in the event of damage or loss. 

We assume that all students and all faculty intend to do their best in each area of school life. We hold the highest expectations for academic and artistic work, behavior, relationships, and care for our school. 

Academic Expectations 

Students and faculty are expected to be present and punctual for all scheduled classes. All students are expected to come to class well-prepared and with the appropriate materials. All assignments are to be handed in on time and to the highest standards. Written assignments shall be word-processed. Students are responsible for informing themselves about work they have missed. 


We have unqualified respect for individual differences in socio-economic status, ethnic origin, gender, age, race, religion, and sexual orientation. All members of our community must always conduct themselves in a manner respectful to themselves as well as others. Swearing, obscene or anti-social language, racism, and any form of harassment or bullying, whether verbal or physical, are serious violations which cannot be tolerated. Possession of weapons at school, or at any school related activity, is absolutely forbidden. Both students and staff have the right to learn in a supportive and safe environment. 

A. Aggressive Behaviour 

The school has strict policies towards aggressive and violent behaviour. Students demonstrating such behaviour may face immediate expulsion from the school. Also, shouting, excessive noise, roughhousing, pushing, and shoving is behavior that is not acceptable and as such will result in consequences. 

Any form of harassment or bullying (physical, verbal, or emotional), whether in person or through various forms of electronic communication, is absolutely TRINITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 

forbidden and will result in severe consequences including suspension and/or expulsion. Of special note are problems today associated with cyber bullying. Students should be aware that any communication they post on a public forum are statements for which they will be held responsible. Consequences may include suspension and/or expulsion. 

B. Controlled substances 

Students face expulsion from the school for using, possessing, or trafficking drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances on the school premises, or during school excursions. Students found trafficking in any controlled substance may also face criminal prosecution. The school may contact the authorities whenever required to keep the school environment safe. 

C. Weapons 

All weapons and firearms, concealed or otherwise, are strictly prohibited on the school premises. All weapons found will be confiscated and may be turned over to police authorities as evidence in a criminal prosecution. 

D. Theft and Vandalism 

Theft, willful damage of another’s property, and vandalism are all criminal 

offences. Any student stealing or vandalizing is subject to expulsion from the school, and the student (or parent/guardian) may be held liable for damages. 

E. Smoking 

Smoking of any kind is prohibited everywhere on the premises. 

F. Personal Property 

Students are discouraged from bringing personal items of value to school. If brought to school, these items are the sole responsibility of the owner, as the school accepts no responsibility for lost or stolen student’s property. 

G. Improper Language 

All students and faculty deserve the utmost respect. Therefore, any improper language such as rude, profane, or racial comments is strictly forbidden and will be subject to the strictest disciplinary actions warranted by the situation. TRINITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 

H. Religion, Tolerance and Language 

The school is nondenominational. The school promotes cultural tolerance and encourages the use of both Official Languages (English and French). English is the language of instruction at the school. Experience has shown that students who are not native speakers of English become fluent in English more quickly if they try to use it all the time. As well, to avoid cliques and rivaling groups from forming within the student body, the school uses English only during all instruction periods and during all extracurricular activities, except those which are foreign language oriented. English is also the language to be used in the hallways and common rooms. 


At Trinity International School, we firmly believe that the racial and ethno cultural diversity of its community is a source of excellence, enrichment and strength. We affirm the principle of human rights that every member of our community has a right to equitable treatment without harassment or discrimination on the grounds prohibited by the Ontario Human Rights Code, including race and ethnicity. We are committed to fostering fairness and respect, to creating and maintaining a positive working and learning environment and to promoting anti-racism. Anyone in our community who infringes a right protected by the Ontario Human Rights Code shall be subject to complaint procedures, remedies and sanctions in the Institute’s policies, codes, and regulations as they exist from time to time, and to such discipline (including rustication or discharge) as may be appropriate in the circumstances. 


Trinity International School promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. All students, parents, teachers and staff have the right to be safe and to feel safe in our school. With this right comes the responsibility to be law-abiding citizens and to be accountable for actions that put at risk the safety of others and oneself. 

Guiding Principles 

Students, parents or guardians, teachers and other staff members are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct at the school, whether they are on school property, on school buses or at school-authorized events or activities. 

All members of the school community are to be treated with respect and dignity, especially persons in positions of authority. They are expected to use non-violent means to resolve conflict. Physically aggressive behaviour is unacceptable. TRINITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 

The possession, use or threatened use of any object to injure another person is strictly forbidden and will result in immediate expulsion. 

Trinity International School has also adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards members of the school community who are in possession of, or under the influence of, or provide others with, alcohol or illegal drugs. 

Insults, disrespect, and other hurtful acts disrupt learning and teaching in a school community. At Trinity International School, we all have a responsibility to maintain an environment where conflicts and differences can be addressed in a manner characterized by respect and civility. 


The following chart summarizes the Safe School Policy at Trinity International School: ONE DAY DETENTION THREE DAY DETENTION THREE DAY 







– pushing 

– shoving 

– throwing objects 

– mischief causing 

potential harm 

– kicking 

– punching 

– intent to harm 

– physical injury 

– serious physical 

injury due to 

lack of restraint 

– gang violence 

– any physical 


directed at a 


– premeditated 

physical fighting 

VERBAL – name calling – racism 

– implied 


– disrespect of 


– intimidation 


physical threat 

– extortion 

– continual 

disrespect of 


– threatening 


WEAPONS – any physical 

threat or use of 


– possession of 

lethal weapons 

such as knives 

or guns 

Compliance with Fire Safety Regulations 

You must know and comply with the Fire Safety Plan. The unauthorized use, abuse, or interference with fire protection equipment, firefighting personnel, or warning devices may result in suspension from the school. 

If you discover a fire, 

  • Leave the fire area closing all doors behind you. 
  • Activate the building fire alarm system using the nearest fire alarm pull station. 
  • Evacuate the building using the nearest safe exit. If the nearest exit is impassable, try an alternate exit. 
  • Call the Fire Department, (911) and give the correct school address 
  • Obey instructions from the Fire Department personnel Evacuate using the nearest exit. 
  • Call the Fire Department (911) giving the correct school address 

If you hear an Intermittent Fire Alarm Signal (first Stage fire Alarm) The signal indicates a fire alarm has been initiated somewhere in the building. Prepare to leave the floor area or the building. When it is necessary to leave a floor area and follow the procedures specified for the continuous alarm signal. 

If you hear a Continuous Fire Alarm Signal (Second Stage Fire Alarm) 

