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Courses are offered both as synchronous (Live Online Classes) and
as asynchronous (Online Independent Study)


GRADE 9,10,11,12

The Ontario mathematics curriculum must serve a number of purposes. It must engage all students in mathematics and equip them to thrive in a society where mathematics is increasingly relevant in the workplace. The required knowledge and skills include not only important mathematical facts and procedures but also the mathematical concepts students need to understand and the mathematical processes they must learn to apply.


GRADE 9,10,11,12

Literacy development is a communal project, and the teaching of literacy skills is embedded across the Ontario curriculum. However, it is the English curriculum that is dedicated to developing the knowledge and skills on which literacy is based – that is, knowledge and skills in the areas of listening and speaking, reading, writing, and viewing and representing. Language development is must be seen as a key component of the curriculum.


GRADE 9,10,11,12

During the twentieth century, science played an increasingly important role in the lives of all Canadians. The impact of science on our lives will continue to grow as the twenty-first century unfolds. The curriculum reflects new developments on the international science scene and is intended to position science education in Ontario at the forefront of science education around the world.


GRADE 9,10,11,12

Experiences in the arts – dance, drama, media arts, music, and the visual arts – play a valuable role in the education of all students. Through participation in the arts, students can develop their creativity, learn about their own identity, and develop self-awareness, self-confidence, and a sense of well-being. 


GRADE 9,10,11,12

Business activity affects the daily lives of all Canadians as they work, spend, save, invest, travel, and play. It influences jobs, incomes, and opportunities for personal enterprise. Eventually, all students will encounter the world of business, whether they work in urban or rural areas. They must be prepared to engage in business activity with confidence and competence.


GRADE 9,10,11,12

Computer studies is about how computers compute. It is not about learning how to use the computer, and it is much more than computer programming. Computer studies is the study of ways of representing objects and processes. It involves defining problems; analysing problems; designing solutions; and developing, testing, and maintaining programs.


GRADE 9,10,11,12

In Canadian and world studies, students develop skills, knowledge and understanding, and attitudes that will serve them both inside and outside the classroom, including in the world of work and as responsible citizens in the various communities to which they belong. 


GRADE 9,10,11,12

The guidance and career education program plays a central role in secondary school by providing students with the tools they need for success in school, in the workplace, and in their daily lives. In particular, the curriculum focuses on skill development that will help students better manage their time, resources, and dealings with other people to improve their opportunities for success both in school and in their future lives.


GRADE 9,10,11,12

The health and physical education curriculum includes, Healthy Active Living Education courses in Grades 9–12, and specialized destination courses in Grades 11 and 12. This curriculum helps students develop an understanding of what they need in order to make a commitment to lifelong healthy, active living and develop the capacity to live satisfying, productive lives. Healthy, active living benefits both individuals and society in many ways.


GRADE 9,10,11,12

The discipline of social sciences and humanities in the Ontario secondary school curriculum encompasses five subject areas: equity studies, family studies, general social sciences, philosophy, and world religions. Although these subject areas are very different from one another, they all systematically explore the ways in which individuals influence and are influenced by families, communities, cultures, institutions, and societies.


Level 1, 2, 3

Language learning occupies an important place in the building of academic and social foundations for students so that they are equipped to become responsible members of our global society. Today’s students are living in a global community where communication on the international stage is of crucial importance and knowledge of multiple languages is an invaluable asset. Such linguistic abilities benefit the individual, but Canadian society also stands to gain from developing a multilingual and culturally sensitive workforce. 


GRADE 9,10,11,12

The ability to speak and understand French allows students to communicate with French-speaking people in Canada and around the world, to understand and appreciate the history and evolution of their cultures, and to develop and benefit from a competitive advantage in the workforce. While the knowledge of any language has value, French is not only a global language but the mother tongue of many Canadians.


ESL Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Ontario secondary schools are now home to students who speak more than 100 different languages, including several Aboriginal languages, many African, Asian, and European languages, or an English-related creole language (such as Caribbean Creole or West African Krio). Ontario’s increasing linguistic and cultural diversity provides students with many opportunities for cultural enrichment and for learning that is global in scope.

“Education is the
passport to the future, for
tomorrow belongs to
those who prepare for it

Malcolm X

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An Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) is not only important, it is critical for your future. Whether you aspire to attend a post-secondary college or university, the choice to earn an OSSD promises greater success.

Students can earn the OSSD with flexibility, studying with Trinity International School offers you everything you need to progress towards your goals on whichever educational pathway you choose.

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“Education is the
passport to the future, for
tomorrow belongs to
those who prepare for it

Malcolm X

Earn Your



An Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) is not only important, it is critical for your future. Whether you aspire to attend a post-secondary college or university, the choice to earn an OSSD promises greater success.

Students can earn the OSSD with flexibility, studying with Trinity International School offers you everything you need to progress towards your goals on whichever educational pathway you choose.

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learn from experts

Ms. Nicola Martis

Education Business Management Diploma in Business NETC. Certification in Secondary Education University of Strathclyde - Glasgow. Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and History University of Toronto

Subjects: English Literature,English as a Second Language (ESL),Canadian and World Studies,Business Studies,The Social Sciences and Humanities

Ms. Roxana Rojas-Ureta

BA (Hons), MSc

Subjects: English Literature,English as a Second Language (ESL),Canadian and World Studies,Business Studies & The Social Sciences and Humanities

Mrs. Ana Maria Visoiu

Highly Experienced ESL, IELTS and High School teacher with almost 10 years of experience (China, Turkey and Canada)

Subjects: English as a Second Language (ESL) / IELTS Teacher

Mr. Mohammadali Taghizadeh

Master of School Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University Lecturer, School of Paramedical Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

Designation: School Representative

Mrs. Archana Tripathi

An Ontario certified teacher. She is committed & passionate about educating high school students with engaging lessons.

Subjects: Mathematics,Physics

Mr. Maher Ibrahim

An Ontario certified teacher. He graduated with a specialist in biology and chemistry, and he has been for over 25

Subjects: Science G 9 & 10,Chemistry,Biology

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